Anrufbeantworter Call Recorder 1.0
Über Anrufbeantworter - Call Recorder ProNehmen Sie jeden Anruf Sie wollen, und wählen, welcheSiespeichern möchten nennt. Sie können festlegen, welche Anrufewerdenaufgezeichnet und welche ignoriert werden. Hören Sie sichdieAufnahme, Notizen hinzufügen und teilen Sie sie.- Unlimited Call Recording- Notieren Sie alle Ihre Anrufe, ob es ein- oderausgehendeist.- Der Benutzer kann Aktivieren /DeaktivierenAnrufaufzeichnung- Spielen Sie oder stoppen Sie die aufgezeichneten GesprächevonSingle-Touch.- Löschen aufgezeichnete Gespräch Audios.- Konfigurieren Sie die automatische Reinigung - Auch dasAutoReinigungszeit für die Aufnahme festgelegt.- Dialog Bestätigung: Möchten Sie aufgezeichnete Anruf, derkurznach dem Anruf angezeigt wird halten- Nützlich für Geheim Call Recording.- Kostenlos zu benutzen.Record all calls that you simply need and opt for those youwouldlike to stay. you'll be able to set to record the calls andpeopleto ignore. hear the recording, add notes and share it.Throughintegration with Google Drive and Dropbox ™, save andsynchronizecalls to the cloud.The Google Drive integration runs on golem versions three.0andhigher than.Please note that the decision record doesn't work on somedevicesand recording quality may be poor. we tend to so counsel youtoundertake the free version before shopping for thepaidapplication.For any downside recording, opt for a unique audio supply torecordor use the automated speaker mode.The recorded calls area unit saved within the inbox. you'll beableto conjointly modification the destination folder of recordingstoAN external Coyote State card. the scale of the inbox may beset.the amount of recorded calls is restricted solely by the memoryofyour device.If you choose that a speech communication is very important, putitaside and it'll be saved within the "Recorded Calls"folder.Otherwise, it'll be automatically deleted as new calls filltheinbox.You can activate the menu decision|call} outline choices thatseemin real time once a call.Browse through your recordings by contact, signal or note.3 Default settings area unit accessible forautomaticrecording:Save All (default) - This setting records all calls, withtheexception of pre-selected contacts to ignore.Ignore All - This setting doesn't save any charm, apartfrompre-selected contacts to avoid wasting.Ignore Contacts - This setting records all calls from folks notinyour contacts, with the exception of pre-selected contacts toavoidwasting.Only within the professional version: you'll be able to settherecording of calls from specific contacts in order thatthey'remechanically saved. they'll be keep within the cloud.About Voice Mail -CallRecorder ProTake each call you want, and choose which ones you want tostorecalls. You can determine which calls are recorded and whichareignored. Listen to the recording, add notes and share them.- Unlimited Call Recording- Make a note of all your calls if there is incomingoroutgoing.- The user can enable / disable call recording- Play or stop the recorded calls by single touch.- Delete recorded conversation audios.- Configure the automatic cleaning - The car cleaning time fortherecording set.- Confirmation dialog: Do you want to keep the recorded callwhichappears shortly after the call- Useful for Secret Call Recording.- Free to use.Record all calls did you simply need and opt For Those youwouldlike to stay. you'll be able to set to record the calls andpeopleto ignore. Hear the recording, add notes and share it.Throughintegration with Google Drive and Dropbox ™, save andsynchronizecalls to the cloud.The Google Drive integration runs on Golem versions three.0andHigher Than.Please note that the decision record does not work on somedevicesand recording quality may be poor. we tend to counsel you astoundertake the free version before shopping for thepaidapplication.For any downside recording, opt for a unique audio supply torecordor use the Automated Speaker Mode.The recorded calls area unit saved Within the inbox. you'll beableto conjointly modification the destination folder of recordingstoto EXTERNAL Coyote State card. The scale of the inbox may beset.The amount of recorded calls is restricted Solely by the memoryofyour device.If you choose That a speech communication is very important, putitaside and it'll be saved within the "Recorded Calls"folder.Otherwise, it'll be automatically deleted as new calls filltheinbox.You can activate the menu decision | call} outline choices didseemin real time once a call.Browse through your recordings by contact, signal or note.3 Default settings area unit accessible forAutomaticRecording:Save All (default) - This setting records all calls, withtheexception of pre-selected contacts to ignore.Ignore All - This setting does not save any charm, apartfrompre-selected contacts to avoid wasting.Ignore Contacts - This setting records all calls from folks notinyour contacts, with the exception of pre-selected contacts toavoidwasting.Only within the professional version: you'll be able to settherecording of calls from specific contacts in orderthatthey'reMechanically saved. They'll be keep within thecloud.